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Learn Mandarin Chinese Lesson #3: Pronouns

Learn Mandarin Chinese Lesson #3: Pronouns

Through this reading you will learn the basic use of Mandarin pronouns, in a simple and graphic way that will help you contemplate the simple and logical facet that Mandarin has.

Advantage of Mandarin Chinese

Pronouns are the basis in the construction of sentences in almost all languages and their conjugations are one of the greatest challenges for anyone learning a new language, however in Mandarin there is a great advantage that other languages do not have and is that in the Mandarin Chinese There are no pronoun conjugations, which makes it a direct language without many variants.

Use and its facilities

The non-existence of conjugations allows us to use the pronouns as a puzzle, because the pieces that make a pronoun plural, possessive or reflective will not vary in the use of one pronoun or another.

Example of use:

We have explained the correct use of the Mandarin pronouns and its ease of use for the construction of sentences, despite being a language quite different from what you are used to with practice, you will realize that its structure is one of the simplest and most logical.
